X Flash Version Http Header

воскресенье 26 апреляadmin
X Flash Version Http Header

Hi use this code for display.swf file in your header in your page.tpl.php. or to post comments. Thanks Mr.Sumitshekhawat7331 for your goodwill and professionalism which exceeds the finance crises. The code works perfectly! I am sending you the ocean of banner’s roses!For the third time I have the last question, but probably the most difficult.

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Eurocopter ec135 simple fsx downloads. The flash banner inbuilded in header overlap the submenu – dropdown menu (I am using nice menu module, gently modified theme garland).Firstly I tried to solve the problem with the aid of z-index (nice menu, header region) – no success. Secondly with the aid of animation gif file, but the resolutions by gif animation is too poor (web216 palette colour) and size too large (800kb).If you have the knowledge of this problem and are you able to leak it, I will not be bad till the end of my life.Thanks.

or to post comments. Try this code it will solve your problem code change in line 4 name='wmode' value='opaque'and tell me whether your problem will solve or notthanks & regards. or to post comments. Hi sumitshekhawat7331,I tried to apply the same principle though applying the code you provided to a top banner rather then a header. A box was inserted in the right area though it remains white instead of displaying the actual swf banner. Do you have any idea how i could amend this?

Here is the code I inserted:. or to post comments. Hi just use this code you have to correct this line thanks & regards.

or to post comments. Hi sumitshekhawat7331, I have been reading your advice and try to do the code as well.

I seem to get a black box of where it is supposed to be. My flash functions with an xml file as well. The flash movie uses an xml to find the images of what needs to be added to the flash and then flash plays through those images. I am able to go directly to the flash movie i have uploaded to the site but i cannot integrate it into the banner that I would like. If you could please help me on this, I would greatly appreicate it. Thank you.

or to post comments. I am greatly expecting from piyush sharma and other good peoples of drupalas you have commented, i have inserted one.swf picture, in my header, it is perfectly working,but when other system access my site, if they are not installed macromedia flash, it is not working, or they have to install flash plug in,This problem i want to solve,So what is the solutionI changed to animated GIF, the resolution is very poor, Please helparun, thanks with love, Tomorrow i want to lauch my web sit e, please help as early as possible. or to post comments. I put this code on my site but it only work on frontpage. On other pages I see only blank background. or to post comments.

I tried those above and cannot resolve.:/actually i may have done something wrong because i am not really used to php.i.e where to put the code, with which tags etc. Would someone please tell me where to put those codes firstly?:))when i put that code, firstly header image did not disappear, and everything above the links etc, slided with gaps.maybe the same problem with ' (also tried that solution). It always shows up, above where normal header image stands. And slides the rest downside.

(at least i get the flash banner. Hopefully)is this like template spesific?my page.tpl.php file is like ' /'. or to post comments. I did it like this, because it doesnt stand where it suposed to be and I make some positioning in div tag with which you can manipulate where to stand in header,just change the number of pixels,in page.tpl.php you make div tag and insert code of flash. Also you must spceifi where to be layer in div tag, also i was searching and managed it myself. The code is I am bigennier in drupal but it worksJust navigate to your flashcheers. or to post comments.

Hi, just registered to know if someone could help me.I would like to know what is the correct way of placing a swf header on multiple pages in a way that it doesn't reload the swf, without using frames.Placing the swf individually on each page header, i get a flickering upon loading another page on the menu.I don't have any kind of java/actionscript skills.Been using an image background defined on CSS header div, works great, but i can't use flash as background for css, is there a workaround for this?. or to post comments. Hi, Everyone:I've been trying to get this Anim-FX software that I purchased to work-and it's been well over a month now. I can't get the flash banner up and running, no matter how many attempts. My WEB.COM website is.I have added the.swf,.html, and.txt files to my root directory, but it's not working. Yet, the.html file I created works when I click on it to view in internet explorer.

Here is the code I'm using, saved in Notepad: Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. I'm running ads with Myspace and Facebook, and this is quite embarrassing.Thanks In AdvanceEdited by WorldFallz - added tags. or to post comments.