Planarsrf Not Working

четверг 09 апреляadmin

Command to find gaps between curves. Thank you, but ShowEdges will not work with curves. Showedges are for surfaces, polysurfaces and meshes only. That will tell you if the curve ends touch or not, and if they touch are they G0 (position), G1 (tangent), or G2 (curvature) matched. Permalink Reply by Pascal Golay on April 8, 2013 at 4:27pm.

Toolbar MenuStatus bar


The History command stores the connection between a command's input geometry and the result so that when the input geometry changes, the result updates accordingly.

For example, with History recording and Update turned on, a lofted surface can be changed by editing the input curves.


  1. In the status bar, click the Record History pane.
  2. Use a history-enabled command such as the Loft command to make a surface from input curves.
  3. Edit the input curves.
    The surface updates.
Command-line options

Controls the default Record History setting.

In general, it is best to leave the Record option set to No and use the Record History status bar pane to selectively record history. Recording history uses computer resources and makes saved files larger.


Allows output to automatically update when input is edited. This may be slow or may interfere with your workflow.

If the option is set to No, use the HistoryUpdate command to manually update the objects.


Locks child objects created with History to discourage direct geometry editing of the child object. Editing the child object directly will break the history link to the parent object.

History locked objects are selectable to use as input and edit properties, but not change geometry. If full locking is needed, children can be selected and locked with Lock command.

The selection filter toolbar flashes if you try to select a object that is filtered out. Trying to drag or otherwise transform an object with history now displays the error message, 'Unable to transform X history locked objects' if 'Lock children' is selected.


Displays a warning dialog when an action is taken that breaks the link between the output and input objects. To get back, use the Undo command.


The connection between the input objects and the output object is easily broken. The basic rules for preserving history are:

  • Do not purge the history from the child (output) surfaces.
  • Do not delete the parent geometry (input objects - curves, surfaces, etc.) that was used to create the child surface.
  • Do not control-point edit or move the child surface.
  • Do not move parents and children together.
  • Joining objects breaks history on the objects.
  • History stored in previous versions of Rhino may not carry over to a later version.

Turns History recording on/off for dimension commands. Yes is the default value.

Overriding History Options

  • The status bar Record History pane reflects the current state of history recording. Click the pane to toggle the global setting for the duration of one command. If the text in the pane is bold, then recording is active, if it is not bold, recording is not active.
  • Change the option using the History command. This command can be run inside another command. It can also be included in a macro. This setting does not quit after one command. It must be explicitly changed.
  • History can be recorded without the output geometry being updated when inputs are edited.
  • Dimensions have History recorded by default. The default History recording behavior is controlled by the RecordAnnotationHistory option in the History command.

Command prefixes for turning history on and off

Type these shortcut symbols before a command name to enable/disable history recording

# (hash)

Enables history recording for the following command.

For example: #ArcBlend

% (percent)

Disables history recording for the following command.

For example: %ArcBlend

Commands with history enabled

Commands with the following notation pay attention to history recording.

These commands can make use of history recording.

  • Bend
    (Copy only)
  • Helix
    (AroundCurve only)
  • Mirror
    (Copy only)
  • Orient
    (Copy only)
  • OrientCrvToEdge
    (Copy only)
  • OrientOnCrv
    (Copy only)
  • OrientOnSrf
    (Copy only)
  • RemapCPlane
    (Copy only)
  • Rotate
    (Copy only)
  • Rotate3D
    (Copy only)
  • Scale
    (Copy only)
  • Scale1D
    (Copy only)
  • Scale2D
    (Copy only)
  • ScaleByPlane
    (Copy only)
  • ScaleNU
    (Copy only)
  • Shear
    (Copy only)
  • Spiral
    (AroundCurve only)
  • Taper
    (Copy only)
  • Twist
    (Copy only)

Restrictions for blocks

  • Sub-Objects in blocks do not work with History.
Toolbar MenuStatus bar

Record History >

The HistoryUpdate command redefines the object based on editing its parents.


  • Select the objects.
Command-line option


Updates all objects.

Toolbar Menu

The HistoryPurge command removes history from an object and its children.

History records can add to the file size so purging unneeded history may a good idea at times.


HistoryPurge cannot be undone.

Toolbar Menu

Select History


Mac vt 100 serial terminal emulator. Terminal Emulation MacWise emulates ADDS Viewpoint, Wyse 50, Wyse 60, Wyse 370, Televideo TV 925, DEC VT100, VT220 and Prism terminals. Supports ANSI and SCO ANSI color. Esprit III color is also supported in Wyse 370 mode. Terminal API v.0.1 This is soft-terminal emulator library. Applications could use that API to work with any full-duplex byte stream as with video terminal having specific display and keyboard. Supported terminals VT220, VT100. ZOC Terminal for Mac OS v.6.25 Telnet/SSH/SSH2/serial console client and terminal emulator. Its functions (like tabbed sessions, typed command history, scrollback, multiple window support, etc.) and solidly implemented emulations make it the preferred tool for. There is no terminal emulation (eg, VT100) support. GoSerial is Donation ware. To configure goSerial, click the light switch in the Toolbar and select your USB-Serial device as the Serial Port. The communication settings are set in the same window. The serial ports dynamically updates if devices are added or removed. SecureCRT ®: VT100 Terminal Emulator SecureCRT is one of the industry's leading VT100 terminal emulators. SecureCRT supports VT100 capabilities and character attributes as well as open standard Secure Shell to ensure data security during terminal emulation sessions.

Select Objects >

History >

The SelChildren command selects child objects of the currently selected objects.

Command-line options

(These options are not visible with pre-selection.)


If no objects are selected, the All option will select all child objects.


Select History


Select Objects >

History >

The SelParents command selects parent objects of the currently selected objects.

Command-line options

(These options are not visible with pre-selection.)


If no objects are selected, the All option will select all parent objects.

See also

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