Soapui Groovy Load Properties File

вторник 17 мартаadmin

At times there could be requirement of Load Testing a Web Service following different strategies based on the requirement.But say if there are fields in the SOAP request which are supposed to be unique for every request that hits the service while load testingreally this could be tough to deal with.With the new feature called in line scripting of SOAP UI 2.5, this could achieved with ease.For example, lets say we have a web service deployed on a server. And the service writes report files to the server’s file system, with the name having some unique value derived from the SOAP request. Sample GenReportXml for the above serviceWe have a node called RefNum having value 123456 in the above request, using which the service writes a report to the file system with name say Report123456.txt. Every time a request with some RefNum triggers the service to generate a report file, one hindrance would be the RefNum of every request that hits the servicve should be unique, to have a valid file in the local system.(weird web service right! I understandjust take it as an example).Issue now would be to load test such service, which demands some unique value in the SOAP request evrey time it hits it.

Hi, I saw the option for loading the property values from external file. But this has to be done everytime we execute the batch file. Whenever the value is changed, we need to update in the external file and we need to import it into the global properties. Is there a way that the SOAP UI property g.

In SOAP UI 2.5 we have a very simple solution for such weirdly complicated services, called in-line scripting! Hi devakara,I am a fresher to SOAP UI. I found your blog about Groovy scripting very useful.I am currently stuck with Parameterization.I need to dynamically take input value for param called ‘Client id’ which should be a valid one already present in the system.I have set of Valid client Id’s and I imported them from text file through Groovy script, I created the property called ‘Client id’ and did property transfer.Now I want to make the request to take the new input value for each can i do that?Thanks,Lali.

Hi Sendil,I understood that you have a request step and it needs a value (mobile no) from a text file. If I’m right –You could get the text file content in a Groovy Step, from there fetch the value you require (mobile no) and assign it to the request using request XmlHolder.// To get the content of text fileFile textFile = new File(absoluetFilePath)def textFileContent = textFile.getText// def mobileNo = // get it from textFileContentdef groovyUtils = new holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(“RequestStepName#Request”)holder.setNodeValue( “//ns:MobileNoInputTag”, mobileNo )holder.updatePropertyHope this helps!Thanks,Devakara. Hi Devakara,I am new to groovy, I need to run a loadTesting in soapui 2.5.1 where i will give the number of runs and threads.I need to get the current run?


I am having a list of values in a script before the request likedef name =“harry”,”louis”,”jenny”,”jack”the number of variables in name will be equal to number of runs I will give in the load for first run it has to take harry and second run can i get the current run in script for a load test so that i can directly substitutenamecurrentRun to the request parameter which is expecting the name whereint currentRun = //Script to get the current run? Please help 😦. Hi,I am new to SOAP UI. I am using SOAP for testing rest based webservices. The requirement is that, if I give my input as the letter “a” and run my request, I need to get the result with all the matching starting with “a”.

(For Example: “applie, aadeter, ayuetc). Now while running the testcase, I need some way to send this input param dynamically to validate. I.e, if I pass “a” and I get the output with “b” then I should be able to valdate it. I.e, If i pass my input as “a”, then I should get my output as “a+”. If I pass “b” then the output as “b+”.

How this validation can be done in soap ui. Is this possible to check with regex here. Please suggest me a solution.!.

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