Telugu Vishnu Sahasranamam Pdf

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SrivaishnavamParambaryam, Traditions & The Culture that stands Classapart from othersSriVishnu Sahasranamam - An in-depth study that adds glorious valueto His nameSriVishnu Sahasramam is known as Sri Vishnusahasranamamcontains 1008 Names of Sri Mahavishnu. This entirecompiling was done after the Mahabharata war and Saint VyasaMahamuni wrote the entire versus with answers for the queriesraised by respective personnel they were part of thattime.EveryName of Sri Vishnu has a meaning to it; quite apart - thephonetic vibrations by chanting each Name known as ' Nama'and the chain of names known as ' Namavali' producesvery fantastic results of vibrations that are very essential forhumans knowledge and wisdom. What the phonetic sound vibrationscreate to the chanter or to the one who hears it is very wellestablished by many eminent scholars. For attainment ofspiritual liberation, one must involve himself/herself to theglories of the Lord Sri Mahavishnu, by reciting the entireslokhas.Thisnot only strengthens the brain neuron chips but also emits thebrain wave at a very conducive limits that can revibrate theenergies into one's own body. Besides, the thought and thinkingof a person can also be regulated to divine path.

That's theexact value, which bring every Bhakta known as devotees of SriMaha Vishnu.Thebirth of Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama - The 1008Names of Sri Maha.The legend would have itthat at the end of the epic Mahabharata war, Bhishmacharya was awaiting thesacred hour to depart from his physical body unto the lotus feet of the Lord. Yudhishtira,the eldest of the Pandavas, was desperately looking for the answers to mattersrelating to Dharma and Karma.

Sree Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram - Vaidika Vignanam. A collection of spiritual and devotional literature in various Indian languages in Sanskrit, Samskrutam, Hindia, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati, Bengali, Oriya, English scripts with pdf.

Lord Sri Krishna, who understoodYudhistira’s uneasy mind, guided him to Bhishma to learn insight in to thisprecious knowledge. It is relevant to mention that Bhishmawas acknowledged to be one of the twelve most knowledgeable people. Theother eleven being Brahma, Narada, Siva, Subramanya, Kapila, Manu,Prahlada, Janaka, Bali, Suka and Yama.Asdirected by the Lord, he meets Yudishtra.

At their meeting,Yudhistira presented Bhishma with six questions.1. KimEkamdhaivatamlokE?Whois the greatest Lord in the world?2. Kim vaapyEkamparAyaNam?Whois the one refuge of all?3. Stuvantam kamprApnuyuh mAnavah subham?Byglorifying whom, can man attain peace and prosperity?4. Kam arcanatprApnuyuh mAnavaah subham?Byworshipping whom can man reach auspiciousness?5. KO dharmah sarvadharmANaam bhavatah paramO matah?Whatis, in thy opinion, the greatest Dharma?6.

Kim japam mucyatEjantur janma samsAra bandhanAth?Bydoing Japa of what, can creature go beyond the bonds and cycle of birth and death?Bhishma responded byreciting the one thousand names now hailed as the Vishnu Shasranama, andreminded him that either by meditating on these names or by invoking the namesthrough archana (Offering), our minds can be lifted to higher consciousness.Indeed, sucha long recitalof nAmAs glorifying the Lord and His splendor is rare in the world. Yeta rational person is apt to question how mere words and their repetition cancreate such great power. Just imagine for a moment that you are in an assembly,and the lecturer begins his talk with the word “boat”. Youcan at one grasp the image of a boat, and there is calmness of mind. Suddenlythen, if someone in the assembly, utters the word “snake”, will yourcalmness continue? It therefore follows that vak (utterance)and artha (meaning) together infuse a subtle energy either positively ornegatively. The thousand naamas are storehouses of provenspiritual content that can easily uplift our minds.

Indeedthe expression NaMa is made up of Na for Naramandala and Ma for manas, our Mind.NaMa, the chanting of which helps to unite our nervous system and Mind.The main body of Sri VishnuSahasranama consists of 107 stanzas which contain the one thousand names of SriMaha Vishnu. Every one of the one thousand names is full ofsignificance and refers to one particular guna (quality, characteristic, orattribute) of Paramatma. These names invoke a sense ofbonding with the Lord. The meanings of the names give us anunderstanding and depth of God as there is a deep connection between the nameand the named.Whywere these 1008 names chosen?Does the Lord getabsolutely defined by these one thousand names? The Vedasaffirm that God is neither accessible to words nor to mind.

Itis said that you cannot comprehend the Paramatma with the human mind alone, evenif you spend all your life trying! Crack software serials keys. Given this infinite natureof the Paramatma, who is not governed or constrained by any of the physical lawsas we know them, the choice of a thousand names of Vishnu by Bhishma should berecognized as a representation of some of his better known qualities that arerepeatedly described in our great epics.Some might say that they donot understand the meaning of the Sanskrit words, and therefore do not feelcomfortable chanting them.

But learning the chanting ofprayers even without knowing the meaning is a worthwhile act, and can becompared to finding a box of treasure without the key. Aslong as we have the box, we can open it whenever we get the key of knowledgelater.

The treasure will be there already.Others might feel that theydo not know the correct Sanskrit pronunciation, and do not want to chantincorrectly. There is an analogy of a mother to whom a childgoes and asks for an orange. The child does not know how topronounce the word “orange” and so asks for “ange”.

Telugu Vishnu Sahasranamam Pdf

Themother does not turn away the child and does not refuse to give the child theorange just because the child does not know how to pronounce the word. It is the bhaava (spirit) that matters, and so as long as one chants thename of God with sincerity, considerations such as not knowing the meaning, notknowing the pronunciation, etc, do not matter, and God will confer His blessingson us, there is no way a devotee of Vishnu can meet with any dishonor ordisgrace of any kind.Phala Sruti– The Benefits:Traditionally our prayersend with a phala sruti – a section on the benefits of reciting the prayer.The Vishnu Sahasranama is no exception.The necessity of cleansingour body regularly to maintain hygiene and good health is recognized byeveryone. But with the busy nature of today’s world, we donot see our mind the same way as we see our body.

As aconsequence, the need for keeping our minds clean is not appreciated.Those who do not cleansetheir mind on a regular basis become mentally ill over a period of time. Prayers are a means to mental cleansing when they are chanted withsincerity and devotion. The importance of chanting Sri VishnuSahasranama is that the deity being worshiped is none other than Vasudeva.Sri Vedavyasa, who was responsible for stringing the naamas together in apoetic form, points out that it is by the power and command of Vasudeva that theSun, the Moon, the stars, the world and the oceans are controlled.

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Thewhole universe of the Gods, Asuras and Gandharavas is under the sway of LordKrishna. In Bhishma’s expert judgment, chantingVasudevas’s name with devotion and sincerity will ensure relief from sorrowsand bondage. The person who recites is not the only one whobenefits, but also those who for whatever reason are unable to chant benefit byjust hearing the chanting as well.VishnuSahasranamam,compiled with 108 slokhas (versus) that contain the 1008 Namesof Sri Mahavishnu. I reproduce in the following pages themeaning of each name; the entire graphics were taken from thewebsite: and for the reader's convenience split up into 9 pages, so thatthe pages load quickly.My aim and intention is to bring the inner meaning of every ritualand practices to focus; so that the new generation understands thevalues and continues to follow the Vedic principles.

Vishnu Sahasranamam PDF DetailsEnglishTranslated by R. Ananthakrishna SastryTheosophical Publishing House, 1927TeluguTranslated by Pandu Ranga RaoT.T.D. TirupatiThese books are currently out of copyright in India as per the IndianCopyright Act 1957. Please check copyright law within your country beforedownloading the books. In case of any issues send us an email. Vishnu Sahasranamam PDF DownloadsBenefits of Vishnu SahasranamamIn total, there are 142 slokas in Vishnu Sahasranamam.

Of these, except for17 in the start and 22 slokas in the end, all slokas detail the names ofVishnu. The benefits of reciting Vishnu Sahasranamam are enumerated by SagesParashara & Vyasa as follows: It makes one calm and free from anxiety, itreminds one of the nirguna nature of God, it protects one from evil influences,it makes one free of fear, it makes on devoted, it provides great energy, itsets on up for fame and leadership, happiness and prosperity. About Sri Vishnu SahasranamamOf the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, Vishnu embodies the energy thatpreserves or sustains creation. He represents the maintenance force that keepscreation going. He is the preserver of life and the existence itself.

TheVishnu Sahasranma Stotras are prayers addressed to Vishnu and invoke him with athousand names. Sahasranama Stotras to many deities are found scatteredthroughout the Puranic literature, and the most important of these are theSahasranamas of Devi, Vishnu and Shiva.The Vishnu Sahasranama is considered as important as, and contains 142verses, and is extracted from the Anushasaka Parva of the Mahabharata inChapter 1 of the epic in a dialogue between Bhishma and Yudhishtara.

It is heldin great veneration all over India, and is recited by people across all classesof society. Miraculous virtues are attributed to it and are assured by theauthor Vyasa himself.The ancient custom, still observed in the villages, especially in SouthIndia, is to repeat each name of the Sahasranama, offering Tulsi petals or anyavailable flowers of the season before the idol of Vishnu in his variousincarnations of Rama or Krishna. People generally recite the names to fulfilltheir desires or ward off evil influences. Many people also recite teh nameswhile sitting before the idol, and keeping a plate of bhasma or vibhuti orsacred ash with them. Merely repeat the whole book sitting before the idol withBhasma (sacred ashes) in a plate by their side, which is afterwards distributedamong the village people.

Other Vishnu Sahasranamam Resources1.2. A free weekly webstream.