B737 Simulator Checkride Manually

пятница 13 мартаadmin

This is by far my favorite manual. The A320 manual is laid out in two parts. First we have the Setup, Systems Description and Knowledge items that prepare the reader for the Oral part of his checkride. The second part deals with the operation of the systems (actual manipulation of aircraft controls) in preparation for the actual sim checkride.Part 1 of the manual starts with a review of the systems, layout of the cockpit and the general principles that govern various controls and indications of Airbus aircraft. Of particular interest was the discussion on the light switch technology which was very informative, especially if you have been a Boeing fan for many years and you are having a hard time adjusting to Airbus systems. Other sections of Part 1 which stood out were the detailed explanations of the PFD, FMA, ND, ECAM panel & Display and the Thrust Lever control pedestal with its various engagement zones. You will find these sections very helpful if you are new to Airbus and you will have no problem understanding the format in which these systems are illustrated.Following these systems, we jump into the flows for the captain and first officer along with perhaps one of the best MCDU tutorials you will ever find for an Airbus aircraft.


There is quite an extensive overview of the MCDU unit which not only gives you helpful tips but also tells you of the many screw-ups pilots commonly make and how they can be avoided!The final section of Part 1 focuses on a few more important flows such as start up procedures and the various ways in which the engines can be started. It also touches EOSID (Engine Out SID) and the “LAWS” that govern the automation of the aircraft helping readers to learn what it’s all about and how it really works.Overall, I was amazed to learn just how complex the A320 really is and that the captain must remember some 57 steps from memory in order to pass his checkride!

2003-2-24  Hello All, Can anybody provide a link or any info regarding 737-400 Checklist. Philippine food. I want real 737-400 cockpit checklist as used by real pilots. Free checklist would be ideal, if not then please post info on where & how to buy it! Thanks in advance. 2009-9-4  Captain Mike Ray has prepared another visual feast this time for the Airbus afficionado While the quot Unofficial Airbus A320 Simulator and Checkride Manual quot has been specifically developed with the professional Airbus Pilot in mind serious Airbus.

This section of the manual does a good job of helping serious simmers and real pilots comprehend the mammoth undertaking of learning to fly the A320.Part II of the manual (as we mentioned before) focuses on the actual checkride and psychomotor skills. This part of the manual is very detailed but I will focus on some of the things that stood out to me during my review. One of the things I found most interesting was the section that covered flying techniques such as “How to Take off”. Hillsong united lyrics. While this may sound simple and almost unessential, I was amazed to learn how many errors I have made in the past when flying an A320.You will also be surprised to know that real A320 pilots make these errors too.Under the Takeoff section, you will learn in-depth details on how to handle a Low Speed Abort, High Speed Abort between 80kts and V1, V2 cut and the common mistakes that are made in performing these procedures. Next it covers the AIRBAG checklist for the A320 in a step by step tutorial that is arguably the best I have seen out of all the manuals Capt Mike has written. The final sections of the manual consider how to fly ILS, Non Precision and CDAP non precision approaches Airbus style.It all comes to an end with a breakdown of the flows done by the Captain and First Officer from clearing the runway all the way to engine shutdown. As a bonus, Captain Mike adds a list of 10 screw-ups most Airbus pilots make which I thought was a fitting conclusion.My overall view of this manual is that if you are new to Airbus aircraft or even a long time fan or real pilot, there is a great deal that you can learn from this manual.

I think this manual can bridge the gap on a lot of gray areas we may all have when it comes to Airbus systems and this manual is an essential tool in helping you achieve the ultimate goal of mastering the A320.With the upcoming release of A320 aircraft from FlightsimLabs and Airsimmer, I would strongly recommend that you look into this manual.