Pin The Petal On The Daisy Game

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My review of the Daisy Petal Pack Kit from for Use Resources Wisely Daisy Petal; Read how to complete each of these activities for this petal on the GS Leader 411 Blog. What Do You Stand For? Character Building Card Game (Game). You searched for: daisy pin! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options. Let’s get started!

Daisy girl scouts are the youngest members of the Girl Scout family. They begin their adventure when they are in kindergarten and first grade.They are called 'Daisy' after the nickname given to Juliet Gordon Low who is the founder of Girl Scouts.During troop meetings and events, they learn the Girl Scout Promise and Law through age appropriate activities. As they learn each of the ten values of the law, they earn a petal to wear on their uniform.Troop meetings should provide the girls with a variety of activities to help them understand and practice the value that is being learned.

Previously earned values can and should be reinforced in later meetings. However, troop meetings should first and foremost be fun! Appeal to the interests of the girls and keep things moving.This is a compilation of ideas for you to use with your troop as they work on their Honest and Fair petal. ':' Girl Scouts has a flower friends story for each petal, available in the Daisy Girl's Guide to Scouting. Board Games: Allow the girls to play a game, but tell them there are no rules. They can play any way they want to play. Stop the game before they get too frustrated and have them talk about their experience.

Was it fun playing without rules? Was it fair that the rules kept changing?.

Truth/Lie Game: Put up a picture of a happy face on one wall and a sad face on another wall (these can be drawn on paper or paper plates). Say either a truth or a lie (e.g. Bananas are purple). The girls run to the happy face if you tell the truth and run to the sad face if you tell a lie.

Once the girls understand the game, they can take turns being the person who tells the truth or lie. Role-Play: On index cards, write down games that the girls might play on the playground (tag, jump rope, hopscotch, swings, etc.). Have the girls talk about what the rules should be for the game. Pretend a new friend wants to play with them. Act out how to be fair with the new friend.

Fairness Snack: Give each girl a clear cup and have them write their name on it. Tell them that no one can start their snack until everyone is ready. Give the first girl 5 kisses (or other small treat).

Count them out loud for each girl. Give the next girl 2 kisses. Give the next girl 4 kisses. Continue giving each girl a different amount. When the girls start complaining that 'this isn't fair,' let them figure out how to solve the problem. For example, they can divide the candy equally or use the remaining candy to give each girl five.

Pin the petal on the daisy game

Remember the Lie: Hold up a picture of an object and make up a lie about it. For example, you can hold up a picture of a boat and say, 'This is a sock.' Pass it to the next person. They have to repeat what you said and add a new lie.

For example: 'This is a sock and it flies.' Continue until someone accidentally tells the truth or forgets a lie.

Play the game again — this time telling the truth. Which is easier to remember?. Honest and Fair Hunt: Hide plastic eggs, candies, or other small items. Hide enough so that each girl can find five items.

Once they have found their five, they should help their friends find five items. The game continues until everyone has found five things. Coloring PagesThese are a great activity when the girls are first coming to the meeting. It helps them transition into the meeting and become more focused on Girl Scouts. Les miserables - london cast recording 1985 flac - kitlope. Below are some coloring sheets. by

by by by girlscout.orgWhen completing crafts, encourage the girls to practice being fair by not having a box of crayons for each girl. They can then use their words to ask for the color they want and practice sharing. You can also use other craft supplies like scissors, glue, etc.Lupe the Lupine Print:. You will need paper, crayons, potatoes cut in half, and ink pads (preferably in blue).

The girls will use the potato to make a print on the top of the paper. This will be Lupe's head. Below the potato print, they draw a line to the bottom of the page. This will be Lupe's stem. They will put their fingers in the ink pad and then make fingerprints along both sides of the stem.

These are the small flowers/petals. With crayons, add facial features to the head. Write the words HONEST and FAIR on the side of the paper, along with the girl's name.Paper Bag Puppets:. Create a puppet that goes with the story you have read (wolf, Pinocchio, emperor, etc.). Color a picture of the character, cut it out, and glue it to a brown paper bag.Here are some sites for the puppet characters:. by by

by HonestyIf you google the phrase 'teaching honesty,' you will get over 18 million hits. The importance of being honest is valued in our society even though we are witnesses to so much dishonesty. Our children hear the story of George Washington chopping down the cherry tree and Honest Abe returning the penny but then overhear accusations of our political leaders lying about.well.everything. Our children need to learn to be honest with others and with themselves. That's not an easy task.FairnessTeaching children fairness is not any easier.

People will often cry out, 'That's not fair,' when things don't go the way they want them to. It is important to teach our children why they should know the rules and follow them.

It is also important to teach them ways to change those rules if they need to and how to do so in a way that is 'fair' to everyone involved. For example, if the normal rule of a game is to go in alphabetical order, but Susan has to leave early, the girls can decide to let Susan go first.

If everyone agrees, then they will see the change as being fair.The Skills and Values They Should DevelopAt the Daisy level, the girls should have experiences that help them do the following:. Identify a truth from a lie (e.g. Bananas are purple.). Discuss why honesty is a good value. Problem solve what they should do if they ever do tell a lie. Discuss what it means to be fair. Problem solve what they can do if they see someone being treated unfairly.

Discuss ways to be honest and fair to themselvesLearning Methods. The girls should not be used as examples of honesty or dishonesty, fairness or unfairness.

Instead, use examples from stories, movies, and television to illustrate these traits. 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' can be used to illustrate honesty, while the story of Cinderella can be used to illustrate fairness. Letting the girls brainstorm other examples will help them refine their understanding of these values. Playing games and role-playing situations will further help them in developing ways to communicate their understanding. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam.

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