Excel Vba Serial Port Mscomm

суббота 25 апреляadmin

Excel and MSCOMM control

Mar 01, 2015  Now it doesn't work it says the MSComm controller, which is the VBA function that opens the comm port and reads serial into the workbook, isn't installed or isn't authorized or something. This mscomm controller isn't on my home computer and i am also using excel 2013. This article describes the settings necessary to send data to the serial port by using Mscomm32.ocx. Mscomm32.ocx ships with Microsoft Visual FoxPro Professional Edition. It can be used on computers that are running Microsoft Windows 95 and later versions of Windows. Lego loco. The CommPort property specifies the communications port number.

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Excel and MSCOMM control

I have a spreadsheet I originally created in Excel 2003 which used the MSCOMM control to read data sent to the serial port.
When I upgraded to Excel 2007 this spreadsheet still worked fine. Lately our IT installed some updates on my computer and now this spreadsheet cannot use the MSCOMM control. I get the message, 'Can't exit design mode because control 'MSCOMM1' cannot be created'.
An ideas of why an update to the OS would break a spreadsheet? My OS is Windows XP Pro. Is there a way to fix this problem?