Configure Automatic Software Metering Rule Generation

суббота 28 мартаadmin

May 27, 2015  Pramod Sathyanarayana Kashyap. Hello everyone, my name is Pramod Sathyanarayana Kashyap. I recently worked with a customer who had some questions regarding the workflow of Software Metering in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr 2012) so I thought I would go ahead and share that with all of you here as well. I have installed SCCM 2012 r2 with two servers.A site server and a database server.I enabled software metering on client settings and software and hard ware inventory.But I ve got a problem that sccm doesn't create software metering rules automatically.I had already enabled Automatic create software metering rule on SMW properties.

Software MeteringFor an organization, it is important to managetheir software assets efficiently and to avoid the risk of license non-compliance.Software metering makes this easier by giving the usage statistics ofsoftware in the network.

Software metering refers to several areas:. Tracking and maintaining. One needs to make sure that only the allowed number of licenses are in use, and at the same time, that there are enough licenses for everyone using it. This can include monitoring of concurrent usage of software for real-time enforcement of license limits. Such license monitoring usually includes when a license needs to be updated due to version changes or when upgrades or even rebates are possible.

monitoring of all (or selected) applications running on the computers within the organization in order to detect unregistered or unlicensed software and prevent its execution, or limit its execution to within certain hours. The can configure the software metering agent on each computer in the organization, for example, to prohibit the execution of games before 5 p.m. Fixed planning to allocate software usage to computers according to the policies a company specifies and to maintain a record of usage and attempted usage. A company can check out and check in licenses for mobile users, and can also keep a record of all licenses in use. This is often used when limited license counts are available to avoid violating strict license controls. My little pony dot to dot games. A method of software licensing where the licensed software automatically records how many times or for how long one or more functions in the software are used, and the user pays fees based on this actual usage (also known as 'pay-per-use')Short Explanation of Active / Passive Software Metering Active software metering occurs when a user is specifically denied use of a metered application. Passive software metering occurs when application use is simply recorded and no control is asserted over maintaining a maximum concurrent usage level.
